The Council must stop the forced academisation of Springfield primary school

 A new angle on Springfield Primary has opened up. The note below follows questions asked by parents, and David Room, the Birmingham NEU general secretary, about Springfield Primary School at Tuesday’s full council meeting. Today will be strike day 18.

Dear Ian and Brigid,

  Below is the response to a parliamentary question on revoked academy orders. The attachment at the bottom of the screenshot provides a list of these (3 in Birmingham). The circumstances of each may be different to the situation at Springfield but the point holds that these orders can be revoked. This is something that the Chair of the IEB has failed to grasp, or is unwilling to accept. Thus, it appears that BCC and  the IEB at Springfield Primary, are both very keen for the school to become an academy and join Reach 2 MAT. Furthermore, with a number of representatives of Reach 2 on the Springfield IEB it appears that ‘the fix is in’ with regard to Reach 2 taking over. This is unacceptable and something which needs to be exposed.

 We therefore request an urgent moratorium on the proposed academisation of Springfield Primary School in order that all alternative school improvement options are given full consideration. Furthermore, there is evidence that Reach 2 MAT is not an appropriate sponsor for Springfield Primary School and BCC must, as part of its due diligence requirements, explore this issue without delay.


 David Room

General Secretary, Birmingham NUT Section, National Education Union

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